Celia Wong

About me

香港著名形象設計師黃欐堯Celia, 全新個人網站www.celiawong.com概念來自她多年的講物經驗與心得,她對時裝潮流特別有觸角,以 l’m not a stylist, I’m the stylist 為主題, 於個人網頁分享潮流配搭心得。更與多個國際知名網站合作如:Net-a-Porter, Matchesfashion.com, 24s.com, Adidas.com, Mytheresa.com 等。Celia會在各大時裝綱站,挑選她喜歡的單品,為大家提供快捷的購物體驗,定期有特別優惠及活動!
Celia與各大歌星名人合作,曾任那英,舒琪,張玉珊,陳慧琳、 謝安琪、孫耀威、江若琳等形象設計, 曾參與封套形象設計及演唱會形象指導。此外, 常應邀為各大報章雜誌作形象分享。
亦為潮店DADA創辦人, 潮店買手, 最擅長服裝配襯, 提供專業的外型分析, 個人形象改造, 購物意見等。個人處女作‘魔法衣櫃’於2009年出版。Celia在香港時裝界作多方面的嘗試,開設個人網站,參與時尚扮靚電視節目,在社交網站非常活躍!
Celia Wong the celebrity stylist based in Hong Kong, her a new fashion website named www.celiawong.com, use “I’m not a stylist, I am the stylist” as the main theme, share all of her own fashion shopping Experience in her website! She will pick the best items from the world-famous shopping website such as Net-a-Porter, Matchesfashion.com, 24s.com, adidas.com, Mytheresa.com,Also have special privileges and offline events regularly!
Celia deeply believes that inside-out beauty! lifestyle, beauty, and well-being will be talked about more on the website, she’s select trendy, good products all over the world! Through this interactive platform, let’s share your fashion, beauty, wellbeing secret with her!
Celia Wong is the icon in image consultant who gives creative designs and image consulting for artists such as Na Ying, Shi Qi, Kelly Chen, Eric soon, KAte Cheng, Elaine Kong for their events, concerts, music albums, magazine shooting as well. She also participates in many different kinds of collaboration with fashion, cosmetic brands, you can also see her names on different fashion columns in magazines, newspapers also guest of TV programmes!
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