Celia Wong

Always the movie styling!!!!!

Celia’s fashion note : 較早前為一部國際電影 Always ,設計人物造型,這是一部低成本電影,由新晉導演 Derek Ting自導自演,女主角Danni Wang 亦是up and coming 的荷理活新星,今次十分感謝各大品牌的支持,讚助服裝及配飾!日前電影於The Grand 擧行首映,非常成功,看見大家的努力都是值得!再次感謝以下贊助品牌:Thomas Pink, Cerruti 1881 , Shanghai Tang , Juicy Couture , Rue Madame Fashion Group , Jimmy Choo , Mark & Spencer…..

Movie title: Always
Genre: Drama
What is irreplaceable in your life? How much do you owe the people who made you who you are? Is there something larger than the boundaries of our own lives? For Liam Chan, a successful lawyer in Hong Kong, and Yan Li, an heiress to a hotel empire in China, the answers were always clear before they met. They couldn’t be from more disparate backgrounds, but Hong Kong’s international vortex whirling a series of events that brings them together, leading them to question everything they thought their lives were built upon.

“Always” trailer:
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